safe motherhood

Is It Time to Seek Fertility Assistance

If you’ve had no luck conceiving, then it may be time to visit a fertility specialist. To help you determine if professional assistance is needed, you should focus on a few things first. If you’ve had no luck conceiving, then it may be time to visit a fertility specialist. To help you determine if professional assistance is needed, you should focus on a few things first.

How long have you been trying to conceive? If you’ve been trying to conceive for 12 months or more, using no protection during intercourse then you may have fertility problems. If you feel that a specialist is not needed just yet, then you can purchase an ovulation kit to help you determine when the best time to have intercourse is each month.

Ovulation kits will help you determine when your ovulation will occur, to help increase your chances of conception. Once you’ve had intercourse for a year during your most fertile times each month, and have not conceived, then it may be time to seek the help of a specialist.

If you are over 30, then you will need to seek the help of a fertility specialist after 6 months of unprotected intercourse. By this time is is wise to consider also looking in to life insurance Not only for yourself but also for your family in order to have the family safely and financially secure for what ever the future may bring.

Before seeing a fertility specialist, you should keep a record of how often you have had unprotected intercourse over the previous year and the medical history of both yourself and your partner.

You should keep an accurate history of your menstrual cycle, number of previous pregnancies and/or miscarriages, a list of the types of birth control you have used in the past, how often you have had sex, any history of sexually transmitted diseases and any history of drug or alcohol use.

Your partner should keep an accurate history of any illnesses that could cause fertility problems (mumps, etc.), history of drug or alcohol use, any concerns about sexually transmitted diseases if he has any and whether he is impotent or has a history of ejaculatory problems.

There may also be other details that the fertility specialist will need.

By providing a proper record of your histories, the fertility specialist will be able to assist you better if they he or she has an accurate record of your sexual activities and medical histories.

Once you have determined that a specialist is needed, you will then want to locate one that is qualified to help you with your infertility issues.

No all gynecologists are considered fertility specialists. A gynecologist would be considered a specialist if they have 3 additional years of infertility training, and have completed all exams to qualify for additional certification. To be sure that your gynecologist is qualified as a fertility specialist, ask he or she is a reproductive endocrinologist (RE). Only those who have completed three years of additional training are allowed to call themselves an RE.

Your spouse should accompany you to your first visit with the fertility specialist. During the first visit, you will both undergo several exams. You will get a thyroid, breast and pelvic exam and your partner will have a prostate exam. Your partner will also have a physical exam to see if there are any abnormalities in the penis or scrotum.

Your spouse will also have a semen analysis done, before any tests are undergone. The semen analysis can determine if your spouse is producing enough sperm, and if this may be the cause for your fertility problems.

If the initial exams show nothing to be wrong with you or your partner, then the fertility specialist may want you to go through a few tests to determine if you’re ovulating properly and to ensure that your reproductive organs are working properly. Should your conception prove successful, there are many things you should consider once you become pregnant, including whether or not to breastfeed, drink wine while pregnant or bank your child’s umbilical cord blood at a blood cord banking facility. Fertility specialists can also help you make these decisions, but you can also visit your family doctor or speak to your midwife.
