safe motherhood


Nappy choices

Shaped reusables, home-laundered


• Environmentalists consider them to be the most environmentally friendly choice.
• No pins needed.
• Less bulky than terries.


• High initial outlay and, unlike folded terries, shaped reusables will need to be replaced two or three times as your baby grows.
• Can be hard to dry, although have been improvements.

For suppliers of shaped nappies send a large SAE with two stamps to: The Real Nappy Association, PO Box 3704, London SE26 4RX.

Terry nappies, home-laundered


•Cheapest option - and gets cheaper with more than one child. (You will need around 20 terries, but these are once-only purchases. You also need to add in the running costs of washing and drying, including depreciation of washing machine.)
• Environmentalists consider them to be more environmentally friendly than disposables


• May need to change them more often.
• Need access to washing machine and method of drying.
• High initial cost outlay requires commitment.



• No initial outlay.
• No washing involved.
• Quick and easy to use.


• Expensive.
• Environmentalists consider disposables as the worst nappy choice as they are produced from wood pulp and oil-based plastics, and don't biodegrade.

Shaped reusables, nappy laundering service


• Probably the most environmentally friendly option.
• No washing or drying of nappies (although may need to wash outer pant on occasion).
• No high initial outlay.


• Not as cheap as washing at home.
• May need to change more often than disposables.
• Will need to pay initial registration fee and buy outer pants.
• Service not available all over the UK.

The soiled nappies are washed in hospital laundries, so the service uses less energy than individuals washing nappies at home.

To find your local service, contact National Association of Nappy Services, 0121 693 4949.

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